The 3rd Forum on China-South Asia Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation was successfully organized in Kunming, China on 14-16 June 2018 during the 5th China-South Asia (CSA) Expo. These events were Jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China and the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, the Forum focused on the theme of “Collaborative Innovation for Common Development”. The Forum aimed at strengthening ties in science, technology and Innovation (STI) cooperation and sustainable development, and facilitating the exchange, match-making and technology transfer among various institutes and enterprises.
The plenary session was addressed by Mr. Zhang Jianguo, Chinese Vice Minister of Science and Technology; Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Afghanistan; Minister of Education, Science and Technology of Nepal, Minister of Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development & Vocational Training and Kandyan Heritage of Sri Lanka. APCTT made a keynote speech and participated in the Forum and shared the Centre’s regional capacity building activities and experience in the areas of innovation and transfer of technology. In addition, the Centre strengthened networking with key STI stakeholders in China and South Asian countries such as Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Forum brought together nearly 800 participants from government departments, S&T authorities, technology transfer agencies, industrial associations, businesses, academia and institutions in China and South Asian countries. The Forum served as a platform for the stakeholders to exchange ideas and identify technologies and partners through High-level Dialogue, B2B Matchmaking, CSTTC Working Seminar, and Science Park Tour.