Cost Effective LP Gas Operated Crematorium
NERD Centre of Sri Lanka has developed and successfully commercialized a cost effective LP gas operated crematorium. This technology has already been transferred to 4 Sri Lankan licencees. NERD Centre in collaboration with these 4 licencees have succesfully inslatted and commissioned 70 units in urban and provincial councils of Sri Lanka. Contact: National Engineering Research and Development Centre of Sri Lanka Colombo Tel: +94-112-236284 Fax: +94-115354597 E-mail:
Sector: Construction
Country: Sri Lanka
Area of Application: Cremation of dead bodies
Keywords: Crematorium, Cremate
Advantages: Cost effective and environmental friendly, speedy construction
Environmental aspects: Energy efficiency , Systems integration
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection: Patent, NERD Licencees
Technical specifications: Time taken for a cremation - 1.5 hours Quantity of LPG requirement for a cremation 25 kg The capacity of blower - 1 HP, 230 VAC, 50 Hz, - 2 numbers Composition of fire brick in cremation chamber -
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Subcontracting , Joint Venture , Technology Licensing , Turnkey, Others
Target Countries:
Estimated cost (US$):
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Contact Person: APCTT (UNESCAP)
Address: APCTT Building C-2 Qutab Institutional Area New Mehrauli Road
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016