Wood Working Tools
Since 1974, we have extablished as a manufacturer of wood working tools such as cutters, routers, drills, bits, finger joint cutters, knives, and dowel cutters/back knives. And now we are one of the specialized manufacturers of working tools for wood, plastic, paper and metal. Our aim is to help you achieve and appreciate improvement in productivity.
Sector: Manufacturing
Country: Thailand
Area of Application: Working tools especially for wood working industry
Keywords: tools, drills, cutters, bits, wood working tools
Advantages: Environmental friendly process
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection: Trade Mark
Technical specifications: We can make custom designed tools based on your requirements.
Transfer Terms: Joint Venture , Equipment Supply , Others
Target Countries: World Wide
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Contact Person: KOM
Address: 460 M 9 Prachautid 27 Radburana
City: Bangkok
Country: Thailand
Zip/Pin Code: 10140

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