Solar Cookers for Disaster Situations
Solar Cooker International (SCI), based in California, USA has come with an innovative, simple cost-effective solar cooker known as CoolKit for post-disaster management and also for refugee situations. CoolKits are simple, often made from cardboard and aluminium foil or similar reflective material. They require a dark, covered pot and one high-temperature plastic cooking bag per month. With a few hours of sunshine, the CoolKit cooks tasty meals for five-six people at gentle temperatures. Since the cooking process involves solar technology, it is possible to preserve the nutrients without burning or drying out. CoolKit is a local innovation of the conventional solar cooker that is cheaper than the household box-and-contentrator-type solar cookers. The cooker can be used in all remote areas with abundant sunshine. Hence, there is an abundant potential for this product to benefit the global population, particularly those in the tropical region.
Sector: Disaster Management and Mitigation
Country: India
Area of Application: Food sector, Disaster management situations
Keywords: solar cooker, CoolKit
Advantages: 1. Low cost 2. Easy to assemble locally 3. Considerable saving of fuel spent for cooking 4. One solar CoolKit saves 2 tons of trees in a year
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Energy efficiency
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection: Patent
Technical specifications:
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Technical Services , Equipment Supply
Target Countries:
Estimated cost (US$):
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Contact Person: APCTT (UNESCAP)
Address: Asian and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) C-2, Qutab Instituational Area
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016