Plastic Recycling Technologies Using Organic and Inorganic Compounds
This idea is based on the principle of water electrolysis in which Sodium Chloride is kept in proximity of turpentine / pine oil and plastic. Following conditions are to be maintained for obtaining valuable chemical products during this experiment (Note: Saturated solution of Salt water should be used and the ratios of mixture of sodium chloride with turpentine / pine oil must to be 1:1. Please contact us for further enquiries on this innovative approach and also to discuss the modalities of partnership to make this idea turn into a commercial process.
Sector: Plastics
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Area of Application: Plastic recycling
Keywords: Plastic, recycling , sodium chloride , turpentine , pine oil , water electrolysis , ammoniac , urea.
Environmental aspects:
Development Status: Idea
Legal Protection: Patent
Technical specifications:
Transfer Terms: Others
Target Countries:
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Contact Person:
Address: sadi street yaghma avenue number 17
City: semnan
Country: Iran
Zip/Pin Code: 35136-13141