Plastic Recycling Technologies Using Organic and Inorganic Compounds
This idea is about of use from the carbon absorption in proximity of turpentine / pine oil + latest plastic (in 1 phase) & acetaldehyde + latest plastic (in 2 phase) & turpentine / pine oil + acetaldehyde + latest plastic (in 3 phase) & urea + latest plastic (in 4 phase) & carbonate ammonium + latest plastic (in 5 phase) & ammonia + latest plastic (in 6 phase) and saturate aqueous solution + latest plastic (in 7 phase).
Sector: Plastics
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Area of Application: plastic recycling.
Keywords: plastic , recycling , turpentine / pine oil , acetaldehyde , urea , ammonium carbonate , ammonia.
Environmental aspects:
Development Status: Idea
Legal Protection: Patent
Technical specifications:
Transfer Terms: Others
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Contact Person:
Address: Sadi street, Yaghma avenue number 17
City: Semnan
Country: Iran
Zip/Pin Code: 35136-13141