Sodium Silicate plant
Malpro Silica Private Limited is a leading technology supplir and exporter of Sodium silicate plant and machinery. The company possesses advanced design technology for sodium silicate manuacture through Thermal process, Hydrothermal Process and Rice husk ash process. It has adopted an indegnious design to manufacture sodium silicate through advanced automation and controls with low capital investment.
Sector: Ceramics & Glass
Area of Application: Detergents, soaps, Textiles, foundry, Silica flour, silica sand, precipitated silica, silica gel, ceramics, welding electrodes
Keywords: sodium silicate plant, sodium silicate technology, sodium silicate machinery, sodium silicate manufacturing, sodium silicate manufacturing technology, sodiumsilicate, precipitated silica, detergents,
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Waste utilization
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection: Patent
Technical specifications:  
Transfer Terms: Joint Venture , Technology Licensing , Equipment Supply , Turnkey
Target Countries: World Wide
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Address: 400, Bhavani main road, Ashokapuram
City: Erode
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 638004

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