Spread of uses & products of photochemical reactions (basis on raw material(s)) by water electrolysis
This idea is water electrolysis in presence of raw material(s) used in and combinatorial chemistry of those in photochemical reactions. Electrolysis of water molecules is the cause of analysis of raw materials & combine of analysis products with together. processes for water electrolysis the following: 1) High temperature steam electrolysis (HTE) process 2) Solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) process 3) Water heating analysis process 4) Porous electrodes in electroanalysis process 5) Pressure electroanalysis process 6) Iron steam process 7) Photochemical process 8) Ammonia analysis of catalytic process 9) Methane analysis of catalytic process. Note1) products obtained in this idea may be mixture with these categories of materials: Inorganic (mineral) acids & bases & salts and combinatorial chemistry of those. Note2) mentioned formulas in this idea may be repeating by use of products obtained. Note3) Targets in this idea are modifying & improvement of properties & solving the defects of products in those uses areas in photochemical reactions. Note4) product(s) obtained in this idea if were before exists, probably formulas reactions for obtaining mentioned product(s) are exclusive in comparison (in superseding) with current reactions for producing of exists product(s) from 4 view points under following: 1) Economic explanation 2) economic importance 3) executive necessity 4) economical. Note5) in this idea may be use from product(s) obtained substitute of raw material(s) used in photochemical reactions. More info about of mentioned reactions in this webpage: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mechanistic_organic_photochemistry http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Water_splitting http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Electrolysed_water http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Electrolysis_of_water More info about of those in this web page: http://www.organic-chemistry.org/info/suppliers/scientificpublishers.shtm Note6) May be use from another energies substitute of electricity under following: Thermal energy, thermal energy in transit is called heat & Chemical energy & Radiant energy, the energy of electromagnetic radiation & Magnetic energy & Elastic energy & Sound energy & Mechanical energy & Luminous energy. Analysis may be including of analysis steam & or cold steam. Cold steam (water ionized) made from Twisting of ultrasonic waves on the water. Uses areas of products in this idea are same uses areas of raw materials of Photochemical reactions but meanwhile have new uses areas because this idea have more innovative materials (products).
Sector: Chemicals
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Area of Application: Uses areas of products in this idea are same uses areas of raw materials of Photochemical reactions but meanwhile have new uses areas because this idea have more innovative materials (products).
Keywords: Photochemical reactions
Environmental aspects:
Development Status: Idea
Legal Protection: Patent
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Transfer Terms: Joint Venture , Technology Licensing , Turnkey, Research Partnerships , Others , Assignment - Investment
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Country: Iran
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