Accurate Guide Wire Positioning System for Orthopedic Implant/trauma Surgeries
Background: In orthopedic traumatic surgeries, first guide wire has to be introduced over which the implant is finally positioned. This is currently done with the help of C arm imaging and then inserting the guide wire in the bone tissue by the surgeon with a free hand technique, by trial and error method. This method may be time consuming as the position of the guide wire is checked in both the planes and if not accurate, the wire is removed and re-introduced. This makes the process more time consuming and accuracy may not be always obtained. Technology Description: Our innovative guide wire positioning system consists of jigs (different jigs for different parts of the body such as hip, knee, wrist etc.) and software, which projects the future position of the guide wire. The jig has holes letting the sleeves pass through the holes to guide/stabilize the wire. It is positioned against the bone externally. The software contained in the external drive extends / superimposes grid lines parallel to the guide wire. This enables the surgeon to predict the future position of the guide wire. This procedure is done in one plane and then repeated in its perpendicular plane. The jigs enable change in position of guide wire in one plane while fixing its position in another plane.
Sector: Medical Technologies
Country: India
Area of Application: Orthopedic implant / trauma surgery.
Keywords: orthopedic, instruments, guide wire, C-arm imaging, implant surgery, trauma surgery
Advantages: • Less consumption of pre-surgery time with increased accuracy o Allows managing the version, angle and entry point all at the a time o Accompanying software allows accurate positioning of the guide wire by making the process more visual
Environmental aspects:
Development Status: Commercial Prototype
Legal Protection: Patent
Technical specifications:
Transfer Terms: Technology Licensing
Target Countries: Germany
Estimated cost (US$):
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Contact Person: Entrepreneurship Development Center
Address: Venture Center 100, NCL Innovation Park, Pashan Road
City: Pune
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 411007