Partnership Required in Sprayer Manufacturing in India
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd is assisting a medium sized public sector company, manufacturing agro machinery/equipments in South India, in identifying a technology partner for manufacturing/assembling of agricultural sprayers like ‘Knapsack sprayers and Hand compression sprayers’. Our Client is a leader in India for its main (agro-machinery) product and has its reach across the country with a strong brand name, marketing & distribution network and existing customer base which could be leveraged to market agricultural sprayers. On hearing about prima facie interest from interested organizations/ parties, we would be glad to provide a brief note giving further information of the proposed project, Client background, brief on Indian agri-equipment industry, Client’s requirements, expectations from the potential technology vendor, timeframe for submission of EOI, etc. Kindly let us know if you require any further details/ clarifications. Our email id is;
Sector: Agriculture & Agro-industry
Country: India
Area of Application: Agriculture and Agro industry
Keywords: Sprayers, Knapsack, Hand compression
Transfer Terms:  
Studies: Others
Project Type: Diversification
Target Countries:  
Estimated cost (US$):  
Assistance From Partner: Technology for Knapsack and Hand compression spray
Additional Information:  
Contact Person: Deloitte Touche Tohamtsu
Address: Nandanam
City: Chennai
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code:  

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