Machinery for Fruit Processing
We can provide machinery for cuting fruit like papaya,apple,pineapple,mango,orange,water melon etc (chilled) by trolly chattny+juise tec trolly which chilled the fruit(many portion,easy to move) packing machine fruit cutting machine mini cold store(big refgreater
Sector: Packaging
Country: India
Area of Application: Food processing
Keywords: fruit processing
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Turnkey Plant, Technical Services , Equipment Supply , Technology Licensing , Others
Studies: Consultancy , Turnkey Plant, Technical services , Equipment Supply , Technology Licensing , Others , Others
Project Type: New Idea
Target Countries: India
Estimated cost (US$):
Assistance From Partner:
Additional Information:
Contact Person:
Address: s/o sh pawan kumar raunta wale
City: nihal singh wala
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 142055