Seeking wireless power technology that allows long range, high efficiency power transfer for large devices
We are working with a European designer and manufacturer of electrical solutions for commercial, housing, healthcare, governmental and industrial applications. They are actively searching for innovative technology which enables the powering of everyday devices without the need to plug them in. Current wireless power technology is centred on providing solutions for small devices or those in close proximity - e.g. placing a mobile phone on a charging pad, charging of tooth brushes etc. However, this either relies on collaboration with the manufacturers of the target devices (e.g. batteries) or is restricted to low power short range transfer. Our client is interested in continuously powering every-day devices (such as PCs, TVs, etc.), simultaneously and within a room environment. Enabling technology will allow them to provide products that could replace electrical infrastructure (such as wiring, sockets, trunking, etc.) for offices, temporary meeting spaces and the home environment. They are therefore searching for a product, technology platform or patents that can achieve true wireless power:- - Allow use over distance (centimetres to 10’s of meters) - Provide power in range of 30W – 100W (not mW or kW) - High efficiency – should be capable of >85% transfer efficiency - Applicable to multiple devices (without requiring invasive modification to these devices) - IP protected (technology must have IP protection such as patents) - Technology should be at least at the proof of concept stage - Inherently safe to organic life Our client has an excellent reputation for delivering innovative products which are chosen for their reliability, inherent safety, performance and efficiency – they have extensive R&D capabilities which allow them to customise any platform technology for the marketplace. The company has excellent routes to market, via retail and direct trade sales and through installers and specifiers. Their knowledge of worldwide regulatory approval systems and close relationship with end-users means they are therefore extremely well placed to take a new product to market. The company now seeks to grow its product offering by buying, distributing or licensing in innovative products, components, systems and technologies. Innovations should have good Intellectual Property (IP) protection or be protectable. We are interested in all stages of technology, from academic research through to acquisition, and also in solutions that provide short term products through to game-changing technology that requires extensive development to bring to market.
Sector: Electrical & Electronics
Country: United Kingdom
Area of Application: Wireless power transfer for electronics
Keywords: wireless power, power Wi-Fi, contactless energy transfer
Transfer Terms: Joint Venture , Technical Services , Technology Licensing
Project Type: New Idea
Target Countries: World Wide
Estimated cost (US$):  
Assistance From Partner:  
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Contact Person: Strategic Allies Ltd.
Address: The Red & White House 113, High Street Berkhamsted, U.K HP4 2 DJ
City: Berkhamsted
Country: United Kingdom
Zip/Pin Code: HP4 2DJ

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