Description of technology
It is a proven Renewable Energy Technology used for cooking, agro-products processing. Chemical energy of fuel wood is turned into heat energy by burning it. All the geographical locations where renewable biomass is available. A trained technician teaches user for operation and maintenance during installation.
Specific Features
Rural SMEs generally use traditional cooking stoves that consume high quantity of fuel wood, time and subject to health risks. Therefore installation of biomass gasifier reduces fuel wood consumption, saves time as well as reduces health hazards due to le
Keywords (maximum 5)
Gasification Chamber, Heat Exchanger, Chimney, Drying Cabinet, Air Economiser
Status of Technology
Pilot Plant
Labour: Participation from SMEs Gender related: Equal participation of male and female in the operating activities Environmental: Reduce fuel wood consumption.
Areas of application/Business opportunities
Household level • Household cooking Business level • Running Small & Medium Enterprises like agro products processing.
List of components used
Metallic Gasification Chamber, Metallic Chimney, Electric Fan, Drying Cabinet, Metallic Trays, Metallic Heat Exchanger, Metallic Pipes, Fire Cement
Name of the component
Total area required (sqM)
4 sq M
Materials required for construction
MS Plates, GI Sheet, Fan, Fixtures, Metallic Pipes
Maintenance requirements
Frequent cleaning of chimney, drying cabinet, gasification chamber
Already owned components
Electrochemical Components : Nepali Rs. 150,000
Labor cost
Nepali Rs. 30,000
Other costs
Nepali Rs. 10,000 (non local materials i.e. fire cements)
Nepali Rs. 20,000
Total investment
Nepali Rs. 210,000
Name of the organization
Nepali Rs. 210,000 Name of the organization: Alternative Energy Promotion Center / Biogas Support Programme
Address/Zip code
PO Box: 14364, Kathmandu Khumaltar Height, Lalitpur, Nepal
+977-1-5539390, 5539391 Fax: +977-1-5542397