Micro and/or Nano emulsifying systems for drug delivery
This technology relates to process for preparation of self emulsifying drug delivery systems for active ingredients including drugs and nutritional supplements, cosmeceuticals, and diagnostic agents. In particular, the present invention provides compositions and dosage forms comprising self emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS), self micro emulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS) having globule size less than 1000 nm, self nano emulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) having globule size less than 100 nm and micro emulsions incorporated with the active(s) in solid dosage forms to enhance bioavailability and minimize the fluctuation in bioavailability due to type of food, for poorly soluble (drug showing dissolution rate limited bioavailability) as well as highly water soluble (drug showing permeation rate limited. bioavailability) drugs.
Sector: Pharmaceuticals
Country: India
Area of Application: Pharma industry/
Keywords: drug delivery, emulsifying system, nano, micro.
Advantages: Better stability then existing product(high degree of crystallinity). Rapid dissolution upon administration to a patient. Can be used for hydrophilic active ingredients. Improves the absorption and/or bioavailability of a API. Can be used to administer Drugs and nutritional supplements, cosmeceuticals, and diagnostic agents. Have better protection of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Environmental aspects: Not Applicable
Development Status: Laboratory Model
Legal Protection: Patent in Progress
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Transfer Terms: Technology Licensing
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