APCTT's Strategic Plan for the period 2023 to 2027 contains the following key elements:
Enhanced regional cooperation for innovation, adoption, diffusion and transfer of innovative and emerging technologies in the Asia-Pacific region for addressing climate change and achieving SDGs.
APCTT is the premier Centre for climate change technologies and innovation and promoting technology cooperation in the region.
Areas of Support
The Centre runs two tracks of support on technology transfer:
a) On-demand intervention track: The Centre provides on-demand technical support, policy advice and capacity building in areas identified by member States to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
b) Focused intervention track: The Centre also works on a focused track on technologies related to climate change. Technology areas prioritised by the Centre are i) Transition to renewables; ii) Pollution Control iii) Climate resilient infrastructure and iv) Digital and 4IR technologies.
Following will be APCTT's key strategies under the Strategic Plan 2023-37"
Strategy 1: Technology innovation and scale-up of new, emerging technologies
This strategy aims to strengthen the capacity of member states to develop, adopt, and scale up new and emerging technologies, especially in the prioritized areas of energy transition and renewables, climate-resilient infrastructure, digital and 4IR technologies, and air pollution control. This strategy recognizes the constraint of inadequate capacities among stakeholders in the region and focuses on enhancing the skills and availability of technical personnel, providing technical support in technology assessments, and facilitating partnerships and knowledge-sharing platforms for effective technology transfer
Strategy 2: Enabling policies and linkages (including technology & financing mechanisms)
Acknowledging that policy gaps and the high cost of technology adoption hinder progress, this strategy focuses on creating a more enabling environment for technology transfer. APCTT will support the strengthening of national technology policies through policy reviews and assessments, help develop technology adoption roadmaps, and facilitate access to financing and technical support mechanisms. The goal is to connect national stakeholders with financial institutions, technology providers, and technical experts, easing the financial burden and complexities of technology adoption
Strategy 3: Enhance cross-border cooperation and networking for technology transfer
This strategy recognizes the importance of regional collaboration and knowledge sharing for a wider and faster adoption of emerging technologies. APCTT will work towards enhancing cross-border cooperation through strengthening regional frameworks, networks, and institutions, facilitating cross-border knowledge management, and strengthening regional cooperation mechanisms for technology transfer, particularly in the prioritized areas. It includes establishing regional cooperation platforms, supporting technology facilitation consultations, promoting cross-learning, and enabling joint proposal development and programs among member states