The planning process also found that inadequate enabling regional and national and legal policy frameworks also dampened the adoption and scaling up of technologies. Additionally, even if policy frameworks were conducive to new and emerging technologies, the capital and operation costs were too high or too complex for member States to adopt the same. This points to two obvious pathways for APCTT, one to support strengthening regional and national policies and another to facilitate access to financing and technical support mechanisms. The section below gives details.
Strengthen national technology policies for innovation and adoption of technologies prioritised by APCTT
To achieve Strategy 2, APCTT will support policy reviews and assessments in partnership with relevant ESCAP Substantive Divisions (such as TIID, EED and ED) to make the adoption of innovative technologies easier. The reviews could also be supplemented by support to build technology adoption and absorption national roadmaps and action plans. APCTT will also undertake a comparative analysis of policy frameworks between member States to provide ideas for newer member States for policy action. APCTT also envisages that a need for capacity development of policy makers and
practitioners may arise for strengthening national technology policies and will provide the same on demand.
Link national stakeholders to financing and technology support mechanisms
To overcome capital and operation cost constraints in the adoption of emerging technologies, APCTT will establish linkages between interested governments, technical and global or regional financial institutions and private sector for financing of emerging technologies. Under the Strategic Plan period, APCTT will provide platforms and linkages to financing mechanisms for technology transfer to member States. Additionally, APCTT will also create support systems for technical handholding through partnerships with technical support institutions for interested member States on climate technologies by linking nations to specific support institutions
National Innovation System (NIS) is a set of distinct institutions which jointly and individually contribute to the development and diffusion of new technologies, and which provide the framework within which governments form and implement policies to influence the innovation process. The various components of NIS are Government policies, research and development organizations, the education system, the financial support system and others. The NIS components and the interactions between them need to be continuously strengthened to effectively harness the benefits of science, technology and innovation (STI). APCTT assists in enhancing the capacity of member countries to develop and manage key components of NIS and the complex relationships between them. The focus of APCTT’s capacity building activities are:
- NIS diagnosis and evidence based STI policymaking, strategies, institutions, enterprises, and
- Development, diffusion and use of new and innovative technologies, products and processes.
Ensuring inclusiveness and reducing inequality within and among countries are one of the important pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals. Many innovative technological applications have demonstrated potential to benefit the poor and deprived sections of society. The role of technology to reduce inequality largely depends on the capabilities of the poor to access and use the technologies that respond to their needs. For lower-income and vulnerable groups to benefit from modern technologies, Governments can introduce targeted technology and innovation programmes to address their specific needs and challenges. Such efforts would also require strategies to attract investment into important development sectors like sanitation, rural livelihoods, agriculture, clean energy, affordable housing, and financial inclusion. APCTT supports member countries, particularly countries with special needs, by organizing targeted capacity building activities. The activities aim at increasing national capacity to develop inclusive innovation policy and strategy, enhance knowledge and skills of cottage and small enterprises, and promote technology databases.
Green technologies are key to address development challenges and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Through transforming green technology inventions into innovations, countries can leapfrog in economic development while balancing the environmental aspects. The transfer, exploitation and commercialization of green technologies are therefore critical for countries to achieve sustainable development. Green technologies offer innovative solutions in critical sectors such as climate change adaptation and mitigation. APCTT assists member countries in strengthening their capacity to develop innovative policies and strategies for promoting innovation, adoption, and adaptation of green technologies, and catalyzing the investment and business ecosystems.
New and emerging technologies serve as game changers towards achieving sustainable development. Emerging technologies are considered to possess immense potential to address developmental challenges in almost every field. Prominent technologies are fourth industrial technologies, renewable energy, nanotechnology and biotechnology. These technologies are drastically changing the society, increasing the productivity and efficiency in manufacturing and service sectors. Recognizing the potential of emerging technologies for the Asia-Pacific region, APCTT supports capacity-building of member countries for development, technology transfer, adoption and adaptation of such technologies.
- 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies: Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies are considered to possess immense potential to address developmental challenges in almost every field. Prominent 4IR technologies are Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain technologies, among others. These technologies have applications that are known to improve the quality of life, drive economic growth, and increase the productivity and efficiency in manufacturing and service sectors. The 4IR technologies offer many innovative solutions which can support countries to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. These technologies also play a key role as decision-making systems for inclusive and sustainable development. APCTT assists member countries in strengthening their capability to develop enabling policy and strategy to promote utilization of 4IR technologies for sustainable development through regional cooperation.
- Renewable Energy: In the recent years, renewable energy options have demonstrated potential to reduce the environmental impacts of energy use, provide access to affordable energy and thus play a significant role in the transition to sustainable development. APCTT strengthens the capacity of member countries to promote the utilization and development of renewable energy technologies to meet their energy needs and foster sustainable development.
- Nanotechnology: APCTT provide capacity-building supports to Research &Development (R & D) institutions and enterprises in the Asia-Pacific to enhance their R&D management capacity in nanotechnology-based value-added product development. APCTT delivers capacity building workshops and expert group meetings on key areas of nanotechnology R&D management such as: nanosafety, standardization, and certification; protection and valuation of nanotechnology intellectual property (IP); and commercialization of nanotechnology R&D results in the area of nanotechnology. APCTT promotes regional cooperation networking among R & D institutions in the area of nanotechnology. «Manual on Critical Issues in Nanotechnology R&D Management An Asia-Pacific Perspective» ; and a study report entitled «Innovative Development of Bottom-Up Nanotechnology-Based Value-Added Products for Enhancing Competitiveness in the Asia-Pacific.»
Completed Projects
The projects enhanced enhance awareness of policy-makers on the relevance and importance of NIS, and strengthened their capacity in developing policy frameworks that enable the key actors such as industries, R&D institutions and universities to adopt and participate in such a system. Through these projects, APCTT provided advisory services and organized expert group meetings for senior policy makers and national workshops for key actors in the innovation system.
The project improved awareness of policymakers on the concept of National Innovation Systems (NIS) that facilitate, nurture and promote innovations, and the creation of a web-based NIS network to share NIS practices and experiences.
Through high-level forums and national workshops on NIS in Asia-Pacific countries, APCTT identified generic and country specific issues with respect to national strategies for the development and management of an optimal NIS.
APCTT developed a pilot-cum-demo version of Asia-Pacific NIS On-line Resource Centre providing access to information on national policies, programmes and support services aimed at promoting and nurturing technology innovation as well as the role of technology transfer intermediaries.
The technology intelligence website of APCTT, disseminated the outcomes of NIS including information on latest technological innovation, various technology innovation policy initiatives, linkages and partnerships among key actors of NIS and others.
The projects enhanced enhance awareness of policy-makers on the relevance and importance of NIS, and strengthened their capacity in developing policy frameworks that enable the key actors such as industries, R&D institutions and universities to adopt and participate in such a system. Through these projects, APCTT provided advisory services and organized expert group meetings for senior policy makers and national workshops for key actors in the innovation system.
More than 400 policy makers from member countries were trained on the current and emerging issues to strengthen the national innovation systems.
A key feature of the second phase was the involvement of several countries with special needs (CSN) including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Nepal.
The pilot version of Asia-Pacific NIS On-line Resource Centre developed in phase I was field tested in Indonesia and Nepal. STI policy makers in Indonesia, Lao PDR and Nepal were trained on the importance and the possible structure of national on-line resource centres.
A manual on NIS diagnosis for STI strategy development for achieving the sustainable development goals, was developed and disseminated for use by the STI stakeholders of member countries.
APCTT implemented this project leading to establish an institutional cooperation mechanism in accordance with United Nations ESCAP Commission resolution 64/3 of 30 April 2008 on promoting renewables for energy security and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. The mechanism aimed to strengthen the capacity of member countries to promote the utilization and development of renewable energy technologies (RETs) to meet their energy needs and foster sustainable development.
A regional cooperation mechanism entitled, Renewable Energy Cooperation-Network for the Asia-Pacific (RECAP) was established by APCTT with the active involvement of the following countries in Asia and the Pacific: Bangladesh, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam.
The Renewable Energy Technology Bank (RET-Bank) was established to serve as an online repository of information on about 60 tested and proven renewable energy technologies in the following renewable energy sectors: solar; biomass; wind; and hydro power.
APCTT created a directory of organizations involved in the promotion of renewable energy in member countries of the RECAP network that included comprehensive information on various business firms, intermediaries, research institutions, government agencies and regional and international organizations involved in the renewable energy sector in the target countries.
Capacity-building programmes and regional consultations for research managers, policymakers, business firms and intermediaries in member countries of the RECAP network were organized under the project.
The Centre developed useful reports and publications, namely (a) A Guide Book on Intellectual Property Issues to be Considered While Transferring Renewable Energy Technologies; (b) Biomass Energy Resource Assessment Handbook; (c) Micro Hydro Power Resource Assessment Handbook; (d) Solar Energy Resource Assessment Handbook; and (e) Wind Energy Resource Assessment Handbook
APCTT implemented this project in partnership with the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA) and the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (CSAM), in partnership with Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. The project supported integrated socioeconomic development in the Myanmar dry zone in the context of inclusive and sustainable development with special emphasis on livelihoods improvement and food security.
Over 50 participants representing a wide range of stakeholders including agricultural extension officials, farmer federations, NGOs, policymakers and private sector firms were trained on green gram seed quality control and farmer-led seed enterprise development in Myanmar.
APCTT developed a case study as well as policy brief on strengthening the value chain for seed industry development in Myanmar.
A total of 59 elite mung bean lines with pest and disease resistance were transferred to the Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), Myanmar through its knowledge partner, World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC).
APCTT implemented this project in partnership with the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA), a regional institution of ESCAP based in Bogor, Indonesia, and the Trade and Investment Division of ESCAP. The project contributed to improved food security and nutrition among the poorest and most vulnerable people in South and South-East Asia by increasing and accelerating the rate of adoption of sustainable and productivity-enhancing agricultural technologies and improving regional trade for food products. APCTT was responsible for the implementation of the South Asia component of the project targeting Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan.
The Centre organized 21 capacity building activities in 6 South Asian countries. More than 700 participants (e.g., representatives of agricultural research institutions and farmer federations, agribusiness professionals and government officials, policymakers and agricultural extension workers) were trained.
Through a capacity-building programme for officials of the National Plant Protection Centre, the Centre assisted Bhutan to establishthe first local manufacturing facility for biocontrol agents in the country to assist the Government in achieving the goals set under its organic agriculture road map.
The Centre helped a former federation with a membership of 3,000 smallholder farmers in South India to export bananas to China, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Malaysia through a capacity-building programme on electronic traceability for agricultural trade facilitation.
APCTT was a partner of this project implemented by Environment and Development Division of ESCAP with a goal to assist policymakers in developing a national strategy for strengthening their national enabling environment and innovation ecosystem to promote and develop sustainable energy options that would bring about improvement in the economic livelihood within the context of sustainable development. APCTT activities were focused to assist Indonesia and Lao PDR in developing their national strategies to strengthen their enabling environment and technology innovation ecosystem for affordable sustainable energy.
APCTT increased capacity of policy makers and key stakeholders in developing strategies for affordable and accessible sustainable energy options through south-south cooperation.
The Centre developed a national assessment framework to collect and organize relevant information about the national scenario of sustainable energy, technology enabling environment and innovation ecosystem, business enabling environment and ecosystem, business models for sustainable energy technology (SET) delivery, socio-economic factors, South-South Cooperation and case studies.
Based on the findings of the assessment and learnings from experiences of other countries, national strategy reports of Indonesia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic were developed.
APCTT implemented part of this project in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) in cooperation with ESCAP and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The following countries participated in the project: Afghanistan; China; India; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia; Tajikistan; Ukraine; and Uzbekistan.
APCTT completed a base line study on advances in fossil fuel technologies, foreign direct investment policies and investment opportunities related to the deployment of advanced fossil fuel technologies for power generation in India.
The Centre, in cooperation with ECE, UNCTAD and the Ministry of Power and the Government of India, organized a workshop on advances in fossil fuel technologies and investments for power generation in New Delhi on 6 and 7 June 2012 to present the findings of the study and deliberate on specific issues.
APCTT implemented this project to promote the scouting, documentation and dissemination (SDD) of grass-roots innovation (GRI) in the Asia-Pacific Region. This project was funded by the Government of India. The “knowledge partner” for this project was the Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (SRISTI), an internationally renowned organization based in India.
About 380 experts and senior officials from various government departments and ministries, R&D institutions and technology transfer intermediaries were trained in developing programmes and activities to exploiting GRI for socio-economic development, including the promotion of gender equality.
APCTT, with the support of SRISTI, conducted field visits and regional and national workshops in China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka, to disseminate know-how on scouting, documenting, and disseminating grassroots innovations to a greater base of national experts.
The Centre developed a “Directory on Green Grassroots Innovation and Traditional Knowledge”.
APCTT in cooperation with the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea promoted establishment of a Biotechnology Information Network for Asia (BINASIA). This network was aimed at linking biotech-community, providing biotechnology professionals with an easy access to the network and information, promoting international R&D collaboration for technology development, facilitating technology transfer and assisting development of human resources. Towards this endeavor, several expert meetings and national capacity building activities were organized with active participation and support from the host countries.
The Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine and Herbal Technology Network (APTMNET) was established by APCTT and its member countries to develop traditional medicine, disseminate information and promote industrial and technical cooperation on traditional medicine in the Asian and Pacific region. The network (see links 14 countries in the region (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam) in the area of traditional and herbal medicine technology.