The Strategic Plan consultations also pointed out that if member States in the Asia-Pacific region are to rapidly expand their technology base to respond to threats such as climate change, they will need to significantly increase regional cooperation and cross-border technology transfer. Therefore, APCTT’s Strategy 3 will focus on strengthening regional networks, institutions, cooperation mechanisms and knowledge management using Communities of Practices through the following pathways:
Strengthening regional frameworks, networks and institutions
To fulfil Strategy 3, firstly, APCTT will become a partnership hub on innovative and emerging technology areas by strengthening regional networks among member States and technology support agencies (beginning with ESCAP’s five regional institutions and ESCAP’s Sub-regional Offices and other global networks such as for Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and others. APCTT will provide thematic, highly connected and interactive platforms for technical personnel in frontier and niche areas to exchange ideas and support each other’s nations for policy making, capacity building, technology cooperation and transfer of new and emerging technologies.
APCTT will also expand its partnerships with private & expert institutions on innovative technologies and link interested member States to the same for long-term support through institutional partnerships. APCTT will also build partnerships with key industry associations, which will be crucial to reach out to and to provide support to the private sector enterprises in the member States. APCTT will continue to use international and regional conferences and expert group meetings as mechanisms for sharing technological innovations and ideas. Additionally, APCTT will work with regional apex organisations such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Association of South East Asian Nations (AESAN) and others to create policy space for facilitating cross-learning on emerging technologies.
Facilitate cross-border knowledge management
The second pathway APCTT will follow under Strategy 3 will be setting up robust and inclusive knowledge-sharing and management systems among APCTT member States. For this, APCTT will act as a connector for its member States to regional and global digital databases and compendiums on innovative and emerging technologies and providers. Additionally, APCTT will enhance the digital accessibility of the guidebooks, thematic papers, periodicals (such as Tech Monitor) and e-Learning courses on relevant areas it will continue to publish. The emphasis in the Strategic Plan 2023-27 will be for APCTT to ensure that digital Knowledge Management methods, collaboration platforms and exchange programmes for young scientists and technical personnel around new and emerging technologies are put in place and are used within member States.
Strengthen regional cooperation mechanisms on transfer of emerging technologies
Finally, and as the core of Strategy 3, APCTT will continue to promote regional cooperation within member States. For this, APCTT will target to establish at least two regional institutional cooperation mechanisms/platforms in prioritised technology areas. APCTT has already helped set up such regional cooperation mechanisms in renewable energy, nanotechnology, traditional medicines, and biotechnology areas in the past.
Enabling IP policies are key drivers of innovation, technology transfer and enterprise development. It is equally important to protect the IP of inclusive and grassroots innovations which offer innovative solutions for local problems. Without appropriate awareness and management skills, SMEs may be unaware of the value or benefits of their IP, or may expose themselves to market risks. APCTT undertakes a series of capacity building initiatives in the Asia-Pacific to enhance awareness and understanding on Intellectual Property Management.
To support the technology transfer and commercialization efforts of R&D institutions, startups and SMEs, it is essential to strengthen their capacity to successfully handle the technology transfer process in a holistic manner and develop skills ranging from business case preparation, technology sourcing, technology assessment, technology selection, technology pricing, negotiation, contract finalization, implementation and impact assessment. APCTT delivers specific regional and national capacity building activities focusing on key areas of technology transfer and commercialization as per the expressed interest of member countries.
APCTT puts special focus on countries with special needs to strengthen their capability in technology transfer policymaking, skill development and technology deployment. Recent examples are Bhutan and Myanmar.
- The Centre provided policy advice to Bhutan and assisted in developing a blueprint to design a technology requests database for catering the needs cottage and small industries. The Centre’s consistent efforts and engagements with the Royal Government of Bhutan resulted in the inclusion of developing a technology database for CSIs in the Cottage and Small Industry Policy of Bhutan (i.e. section 6.5.2) published in July 2019 launched during Bhutan Economic forum for Innovative Transformation 2019.
- In Myanmar, APCTT implemented a project (2015-2016) to support integrated socioeconomic development in the Myanmar dry zone in the context of inclusive and sustainable development with special emphasis on livelihoods improvement and food security. Under this project, APCTT facilitated transfer of 59 elite mung bean (Green gram) lines with pest and disease resistance were transferred to the Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), Myanmar through its knowledge partner, World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC).
Online Technology Transfer Support Mechanisms: Databases
- The Database serves as an online platform for information exchange on the availability and sourcing of technologies for small and medium sized enterprises in countries in the Asia Pacific region.
- The Database provides information on the technologies available for transfer (technology offers), technologies needed (technology requests) as well as the opportunities for business cooperation (Joint venture and Partnerships).
- The use of Technology4SME database is free of cost. (provide links to registration)
Global Technology Databases
APCTT has compiled a list of global as well as country-wise technology databases that deal with the technology transfer related services for SMEs and entrepreneurs.
- If a particular technology search has been made using APCTT's Technology4SME database and if the search did not yield desired results, the users could use this section to extend their search to other databases listed in this section.
- The technology databases could be readily accessed through this service of APCTT.
Renewable Energy Technology Bank (RET-Bank)
The primary objective of the Renewable Energy Cooperation-Network for the Asia Pacific (RECAP) established by APCTT is to facilitate technology transfer cooperation among countries in the Asia-Pacific region in the area of renewable energy. Towards this end, APCTT has developed a “Renewable Energy Technology Bank (RET-Bank)” of tested and proven renewable energy technologies (RETs) initially in the areas of solar, biomass, wind, mini-hydro power and geo-thermal energy. APCTT has developed this Renewable Energy Technology Bank as on-line technology database freely available for public access through its RECAP website.
Technology Transfer Facilitation Services
APCTT offers technology transfer facilitation services to technology providers and seekers, especially by partnering with its national focal points and technology transfer intermediary networks. Some important technology transfer facilitation services of APCTT include:
- Providing information on technology transfer, joint-venture, business/research partnerships and opportunities.
- Organizing business-to-business meets, technology exhibitions and technology transfer related conferences and technology dissemination workshops in partnership with APCTT focal points in the member countries.
- Providing support services to help techno-entrepreneurs interact with technology transfer intermediaries, source technology globally, and also to explore venture capital financing.